
Introduktion zur Universität der Zukunft


Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the
University of the Future



Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music


The Ear as a Medical Instrument

The Special Status of the Ear in the Organism

Music as a Harmonic Medical Data Carrier

Music and Brain

The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution

The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine

The Future of Pharmaceutics

The American Institute of Stress

World Health Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress - The Epidemic of Modern Society

The Unborn Child

Baby Care Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

The Social-Medical Significance of Medical Resonance Therapy Music

Headache Migraine

Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

How does the Medical Resonance Therapy Music function


Peter Hübner  •  Music & Brain – Musical Perspective
The Twofold System of Music Analysis
While the self of the composer, through the intellect, fathoms the subjective sphere on the level of the mind, and perceives it as being very alive, that very same self scans the sound on the level of the mind from outside, through the sense of hearing as if with a measuring instrument, and makes the composer the first listener of his work.

Due to its nature the feeling aspect of the intellect is associated with more life than the understanding, and therefore the listener will always experience the knowledge perceived on the level of his feeling as much more lively than the information brought in by his understanding.

By virtue of this twofold-structured system, based on the feeling and the understanding, for gathering musical information through the intellect, the listener regards the lively inner aspect of the mental musical sound-space, which he predominantly perceives by his feeling, as subjective. And in contrast, he regards the less lively, outer aspect of the mental musical sound-space, which he perceives rather by his understanding, as lifeless, or as objective.

Nevertheless, the conscious self of an alert listener will be aware at all times that nature, as music describes it, is always lively and subjective, never dead or, in the scientific materialistic sense, objective.

The realistic, holistic description of the living reality through the “spoken word” of music is extremely profound and systematic – even by today’s scientific standards. This fact, amongst others, accounts for the persuasive power of classical music.

However, life cannot be pressed into patterns of rational numbers. Correspondingly, the irrational element predominates in classical music and the different musical parameters interact in ratios of irrational numbers, and it is this controlled incalculability from which the great appeal of music, that realistic lively language, really arises.

As opposed to the conventional, rational, materialistically-oriented natural sciences, music describes the reality of life in the fantastic dimension of irrational values. Although the educated musician may comprehend the real world holistically and intuitively, he can only describe it correctly with irrational values, if he wants to express the reality of life satisfactorily.