
Introduktion zur Universität der Zukunft


Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the
University of the Future



Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music


The Ear as a Medical Instrument

The Special Status of the Ear in the Organism

Music as a Harmonic Medical Data Carrier

Music and Brain

The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution

The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine

The Future of Pharmaceutics

The American Institute of Stress

World Health Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress - The Epidemic of Modern Society

The Unborn Child

Baby Care Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

The Social-Medical Significance of Medical Resonance Therapy Music

Headache Migraine

Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

How does the Medical Resonance Therapy Music function


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Prof. Dr. med. Horst Koeditz

The Ear as a
Medical Instrument

Lecture given at the
“Medical Week Baden-Baden”

Prof. Dr. med. Horst Koeditz

was, un­til his re­tire­ment in 1997, head of the De­part­ment of Pe­di­at­rics at the Uni­ver­sity of Mag­de­burg and of the
Uni­ver­sity Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal.
From 1990 – 1993, he was Rec­tor
of the Uni­ver­sity of Mag­de­burg.

The very gifted Kaiser Friedrich II of the House of Hohen­stau­fen, who was also very in­ter­ested in the sci­ences, won­dered in which lan­guage chil­dren would be­gin to ex­press them­selves, if they had never ever heard a word spo­ken.

Would it be Latin, Greek or the old­est lan­guage, He­brew, or the mother tongue? His lively in­ter­est prompted him to carry out an un­usual ex­peri­ment.

He gave at­ten­dants and wet-nurses a num­ber of or­phaned new-born chil­dren to bring up. They were or­dered to give them the breast and guar­an­tee the best care, but were strictly for­bid­den to speak a word, ei­ther to them or in their pres­ence.

But no an­swer to the Kaiser’s burn­ing ques­tion was to be found, for all of the chil­dren died at a very early age. ‘They could not live with­out the praise, the ges­tures, the friendly fa­cial ex­pres­sions and ca­resses of their at­ten­dants and wet-nurses; this is why the songs sung by women whilst rock­ing the cra­dle are called ‘Am­men­zau­ber’ – lulla­bies which lull or en­chant the child’. That was the ver­dict of the chroni­cler – Salim­bene of Parma – in 1240, a re­mark­able for­mu­la­tion for that day and age.

“Via the ear and its neu­ral con­nec­tions to the brain, mu­sic has an im­me­di­ate physio­logi­cal ef­fect on our en­tire or­gan­ism.”
In Herodotus’s sec­ond book, Psam­metic re­lates a simi­lar story with a less tragic out­come. Even if these re­ports are per­haps ex­ag­ger­ated, they are still early in­di­ca­tors as to how nec­es­sary stimu­la­tion of the senses is for the nor­mal de­vel­op­ment of a child.

Do we not have the re­verse prob­lem to­day?

Tones and sounds – natu­ral phe­no­mena, acous­tic hap­pen­ings – threats to civi­li­za­tion or bal­sam for body and soul? Is mu­sic not a spe­cial case of man’s self-made noise – does it thus be­long to en­vi­ron­men­tal noise? To­day more than ever since the ban­ish­ment of si­lence, mu­sic stands in the con­flict of an ec­static drug­ged state, bal­anced har­mony and acous­tic pol­lu­tion. With­out ex­cep­tion, peo­ple of all ages come into con­tact with it, but how do they han­dle it? Com­pen­sa­tion of worlds of feel­ing and bod­ily re­ac­tions, men­tal state and physi­cal load-bear­ing ca­pac­ity.

How sen­si­tive are our hear­ing and our stimu­lus con­duc­tion sys­tem? How much more con­stant bom­bard­ment with sound can they en­dure? What cere­bral func­tions are ac­ti­vated, which net­works can be reg­is­tered, and how can they be evalu­ated? How ill can noise oc­cur­rences make you?

How­ever, this year’s Medi­cal Week Baden-Baden will not be con­cerned with this, but with the ques­tion of how it is pos­si­ble to achieve the re­verse ef­fect, namely to make it pos­si­ble to pro­duce a heal­ing ef­fect on peo­ple via the senses.
