
Introduktion zur Universität der Zukunft


Peter Hübner’s Cosmic Educational Program

Peter Hübner
Developer of the
University of the Future



Nature’s Laws of Harmony in the Microcosm of Music


The Ear as a Medical Instrument

The Special Status of the Ear in the Organism

Music as a Harmonic Medical Data Carrier

Music and Brain

The Significance of the Soul to Medicine

The Significance of the Soul in Human Evolution

The Significance of Our Consciousness to Medicine

The Future of Pharmaceutics

The American Institute of Stress

World Health Organization (WHO)

Republic of Belarus

Stress - The Epidemic of Modern Society

The Unborn Child

Baby Care Unit

Harmonic Therapy

The Benefits of
Harmonic Information

The Social-Medical Significance of Medical Resonance Therapy Music

Headache Migraine

Modern Medication

Intensive Care Unit

How does the Medical Resonance Therapy Music function


Peter Hübner – The Significance of our Consciousness to Medicine

Medizin Aktuell: And if these conditions of practical consciousness development change and the researchers have further main states of consciousness at their disposal …

Peter Hübner: Then they will come to completely different study results, and finally to a completely different view of the connection between consciousness, thinking and neuro-physiology.

Medizin Aktuell: But that is very much in the future.

Peter Hübner: But on the grounds of the present success in objective scientific studies the signs are favourable.

Medizin Aktuell: You mean, because more and more people with higher states of consciousness are available for scientific measurements ...

Peter Hübner: ... if they make themselves available for measurements, and: because the measuring methods for localising new main states of consciousness on the basis of the findings of completely new neuro-physiological states so far unknown, are getting better and better.

Modern medical research, the development of new scientific equipment and study methods, but especially the use of computers which is increasingly successful for evaluating scientific study results, should quickly lead to new horizons in this field.

And we should not forget: it makes a great difference and should help the speed of scientific success a lot if researchers themselves developed further main states of consciousness. In that way, they themselves would record directly, where this journey of scientific discovery is leading, and new study methods could be conceived much faster and more purposefully.

Medizin Aktuell: That is without doubt a very important aspect!

Peter Hübner: We already know this from our research into the microcosm of music.
The speed of success in the field of research multiplies with the personal inner intuitive insight into the facts. We therefore know at once in which direction research has to continue, and no time is wasted on lengthy “blind” studies, which then in the end do not get us anywhere in broad principle and bear no interesting results.

Medizin Aktuell: Only the research institutions, financed by the state, can afford such blind action, anyway.

Peter Hübner: If we can proceed in medicine or better: with the studies on the medical effects of the main states of consciousness in the same way as with our research into the microcosm of music – i.e. if to a great extent, we can base our facts on the consciousness development of the researchers themselves, we could move with quite a high speed of success in our insights and scientific study results ...

Medizin Aktuell: .... which should have a distinct effect for the future of medicine.

Peter Hübner: There is no doubt, of course, that a new medical “world view” would present a great substantial change in health service.

We must not forget: that, especially in natural science, the very great researchers unambiguously referred to a gap in their consciousness when achieving their new findings and views: a distinct change in consciousness: a new state of consciousness they had never known before.